Friday, October 19, 2012

Counting my Blessings

Because today has been one of those days, today I will count my blessings.
Tonight I am grateful for:

1.  A husband who, upon coming home and seeing me looking a bit frazzled, says, "I love you."

2.  Two beautiful, healthy children.

3.  The way Linus sees me, and, giggling excitedly, toddle-runs toward me with both arms out to come and get a hug.

4.  Lucy's excitement about drawing an "O."  Her crayon makes two rounds when she does this.

5.  Two little ones who love books and trips to the library.

6.  The way Linus, upon encountering a closed door, reaches up, standing on tiptoe, touches the doorknob and says "Go.  Go."

7.  The fact that the most insistent demand Lucy usually makes is "Read.  A book."


  1. Your gratitude list is beautifully ordinary Anne. I smiled as I read it, so thank you for sharing.

  2. This is a wonderful list. {{hugs}} for your tough day, we had one yesterday too (and it looks like today is set to be another.) I think I'll start my list now... Thanks :)

  3. What a beautiful, lovely list of blessings that I can most certainly relate to!!
