Saturday, June 9, 2012


Lucy is building block towers, as usual, and just beside the
tower is the bookcase with the prayer books she's suddenly so
interested in.
This week, because of a confluence of intentions, inspiration, situation, and opportunity, I have been making a renewed effort at praying the Divine Office.  I use the Monastic Diurnal and a companion book containing Matins.  Lucy has suddenly seen me praying a lot more often, and she has suddenly taken an interest in some small prayer books we have around the house with a similar appearance to the ones I use.  As I start an hour of the Office, she'll disappear suddenly and be very quiet.  When I go to look for her, I find her sitting on the couch looking at a prayer book.  One day, I had started to pray, and then Linus needed something and I went to take care of him, leaving my book in Lucy's reach.  She stood there by it, turning the pages and babbling in the same inflection I use when reading the Hours aloud.  While Lucy wasn't the reason I started making an extra effort to fit in more of the Divine Office, I think I need to continue it for her sake.

I took both Lucy and Linus to Mass by myself this morning for the first time.  When I went forward to receive Communion, Lucy walked with me instead of being carried as she usually is, and when I knelt at the altar rail, Lucy knelt there beside me with her face right at the height of the rail.  And when we left the church after Mass, and I genuflected before leaving the church, she did also.

More and more, Lucy imitates what she sees me do.  If I do the right things, then by the time she reaches the age of reason, she will already have good habits which will easily become virtue, and if I don't, the the easiest opportunity will have been wasted.  The days when they are so impressionable are so precious.  I pray I will use them well.

1 comment:

  1. So, so much goodness going on at your home and in your family. Praise God!
